Consortium partner

SolarSpring GmbH from Freiburg has developed a solution for the recovery of resources based on membrane technology.
With the rEvap , ingredients from industrial rinsing solutions can be concentrated to such an extent that they can be used again and can be fed into the industrial process together with the clean water obtained. This closes energy and material cycles and makes industrial processes more sustainable. The rEvap is designed for use in industrial water recycling and ready for market entry.
Companies in the metalworking, textile and Food industry and agriculture successfully use our technology and products for wastewater treatment and recycling as well as for the complete recovery of resources.

The rEvap technology is the perfect solution for small and medium-sized companies that want to close material cycles and minimize disposal costs. The systems are equipped with a plate module. We would be happy to carry out appropriate preliminary examinations for you.
Technical details:
For process water / waste water up to 1 m³ / h
Fully automatic
Controlled by Siemens PLC
Customizable according to customer requirements
All channel geometries possible
Suitable for endurance runs
Consortium partner

SolarSpring GmbH from Freiburg has developed a solution for the recovery of resources based on membrane technology.
With the rEvap , ingredients from industrial rinsing solutions can be concentrated to such an extent that they can be used again and can be fed into the industrial process together with the clean water obtained. This closes energy and material cycles and makes industrial processes more sustainable. The rEvap is designed for use in industrial water recycling and ready for market entry.
Companies in the metalworking, textile and Food industry and agriculture successfully use our technology and products for wastewater treatment and recycling as well as for the complete recovery of resources.

The rEvap technology is the perfect solution for small and medium-sized companies that want to close material cycles and minimize disposal costs. The systems are equipped with a plate module. We would be happy to carry out appropriate preliminary examinations for you.
Technical details:
For process water / waste water up to 1 m³ / h
Fully automatic
Controlled by Siemens PLC
Customizable according to customer requirements
All channel geometries possible
Suitable for endurance runs
Multi-String Inverter 88K / 100k
Datenblatt für Multi-String Inverter 88K / 100k

REFU's nächste Generation der Wechselrichter vereint maximale Leistungsdichte mit höchster Kompatibilität, großer Installationsflexibilität, hoher Servicefreundlichkeit und bester Konnektivität in einem revolutionären Design.
Kompatibilität: Der Wechselrichter kann an jede Netzspannung zwischen 200 und 480 VAC angeschlossen werden mit einer maximalen Leistung von 48 bis 100 kVA.
Flexibilität bei der Installation: Der Wechselrichter kann je nach Anforderung vor Ort in vertikaler oder horizontaler Position oder direkt am Gestell installiert werden. Die geräumige ConnectionBox ist wahlweise mit abgesichertem direktem String-Anschluß für dezentrale Anlagen oder mit einzelnem DC-Eingang für zentrale Anlagen lieferbar.
Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Die PowerUnit kann zur Fehlersuche oder für Messungen schnell von der ConnectionBox abgenommen werden – ohne Abklemmen der DC- oder AC-Kabel.
Kommunikation: Die Inbetriebnahme des Wechselrichters erfolgt mit der REFU App (verfügbar für iOS und Android), die sich über Bluetooth® nahtlos mit dem Wechselrichter verbindet. Die integrierte, ausfallsichere Ethernet-Daisy-Chain Verbindung (alternativ RS485) ermöglicht ein kosteneffizientes Monitoring ohne spezielles Zubehör. Jeder Wechselrichter kann individuell an das REFUlog-Portal angebunden werden zur professionellen Überwachung, Konfiguration und für Remote-Updates.