Consortium partner

SolarSpring GmbH from Freiburg has developed a solution for the recovery of resources based on membrane technology.
With the rEvap , ingredients from industrial rinsing solutions can be concentrated to such an extent that they can be used again and can be fed into the industrial process together with the clean water obtained. This closes energy and material cycles and makes industrial processes more sustainable. The rEvap is designed for use in industrial water recycling and ready for market entry.
Companies in the metalworking, textile and Food industry and agriculture successfully use our technology and products for wastewater treatment and recycling as well as for the complete recovery of resources.

The rEvap technology is the perfect solution for small and medium-sized companies that want to close material cycles and minimize disposal costs. The systems are equipped with a plate module. We would be happy to carry out appropriate preliminary examinations for you.
Technical details:
For process water / waste water up to 1 m³ / h
Fully automatic
Controlled by Siemens PLC
Customizable according to customer requirements
All channel geometries possible
Suitable for endurance runs
Consortium partner

SolarSpring GmbH from Freiburg has developed a solution for the recovery of resources based on membrane technology.
With the rEvap , ingredients from industrial rinsing solutions can be concentrated to such an extent that they can be used again and can be fed into the industrial process together with the clean water obtained. This closes energy and material cycles and makes industrial processes more sustainable. The rEvap is designed for use in industrial water recycling and ready for market entry.
Companies in the metalworking, textile and Food industry and agriculture successfully use our technology and products for wastewater treatment and recycling as well as for the complete recovery of resources.

The rEvap technology is the perfect solution for small and medium-sized companies that want to close material cycles and minimize disposal costs. The systems are equipped with a plate module. We would be happy to carry out appropriate preliminary examinations for you.
Technical details:
For process water / waste water up to 1 m³ / h
Fully automatic
Controlled by Siemens PLC
Customizable according to customer requirements
All channel geometries possible
Suitable for endurance runs
"We actively and sustainably shape the future of energy and bring renewable energy projects into the operating phase professionally and successfully."
Five clear principles
Within a few years, Tecinnova International has developed into a leading international manufacturer and provider of products and solutions for the generation of environmentally friendly energy. And we continue to grow. In view of our international orientation and our decentralized organizational structure, it is important that all of our employees do not lose sight of the Tecinnova spirit . We have therefore condensed what defines us into a guiding principle:
Our motivation
We are actively shaping our future with powerful, resource-saving solutions for decentralized energy supply.
Our highly efficient power plants for the combined generation of electricity and heat or cold, as well as our services are valued worldwide and set standards in the industry. We create sustainable economic benefits for our customers and shareholders and are actively involved in improving environmental conditions and shaping a future worth living. The successful growth and the positive image of our group of companies is our mutual success, in close, trusting cooperation with our customers. This success is based on four principles that we passionately fill with life: innovation, reliability, efficiency and transparency .
Innovative spirit and innovative strength are the engine for our development. They motivate us as a company and individuals.
Sustainable growth only comes from new ideas. That is why we have anchored an innovation culture in our company from the beginning, in which the existing can be questioned, good solutions can still be improved, and ideas and suggestions of each of us are welcome. We use ideas to develop innovative, marketable products and services that further strengthen our leading market position. We always have the goal in mind of generating outstanding benefits for our customers and, in particular, of further improving the technical and economic efficiency of our systems and services.
We say what we think and we do what we say. Reliable, binding action is the basis for long-term customer relationships.
For us, binding action is a matter of course that business partners, employees and users can rely on. Authentically lived openness, appreciation, fairness and reliability characterize the Tecinnova International Spirit and strengthen cohesion. Reliability is also a priority for our technical solutions. It is particularly expressed in exemplary system availability and excellent service .
The economical use of the resources available to us is important. This awareness determines our actions.
For us, efficiency means economy and high efficiency. Against this background, both our technical solutions and our in-house processes must be continuously optimized. In terms of technology, we want to continue to provide our customers with leading efficiencies, long service life and high availability, as well as ensuring low service costs. In this way we reduce the use of fuel and other resources for traditional energy generation; that is real avoidance of CO2 emissions. We therefore make an active and valuable contribution to climate protection. In addition, the efficiency of our processes and structures as well as the efficient use of our workforce and our know-how ensure the growing success of our group of companies.
We create trust and security through comprehensive transparency. That makes us a valuable partner.
When working with both our customers and our colleagues in the consortium, we build on clear, transparent structures and understandable decisions and processes. In technology, an innovative monitoring system ensures the complete documentation of all operating parameters of our worldwide plant inventory. On the one hand, it guarantees high system availability of our solutions and, on the other hand, forms the basis for further technical and economic optimization of the systems.